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Found 5891 results for any of the keywords and governments. Time 0.008 seconds.
Protecting American Universities from Undue Foreign Influence | The HeThe U.S. government rightly restricts the ability of foreign individuals, entities, and governments to contribute to U.S. political campaigns. It does so because financial influence over the outcomes of elections would d
SITA | Easy and safe travel every step of the waySITA is the IT provider for the air transport industry, delivering solutions for airlines, airports, aircraft and governments. Our technology powers more seamless, safe and sustainable air travel.
Generative AI | Google CloudCreate, discover, summarize and automate with Google Cloud s generative AI products and services.
OASIS Open | Setting The Standard For Open CollaborationOASIS Open is where individuals, organizations, and governments come together to solve some of the world’s biggest technical challenges through the development of open code and open standards.
Access To Safe Abortion Is A Basic Human Right - P4i | PartnToday is International Safe Abortion Day - the day when individuals, organizations and governments worldwide mobilise to make their demands heard on the need
Access To Safe Abortion Is A Basic Human Right - P4i | PartnToday is International Safe Abortion Day - the day when individuals, organizations and governments worldwide mobilise to make their demands heard on the need
National Human Trafficking Prevention Framework | The Administration fBuilding on decades of work to prevent violence, this framework is a resource for organizations, communities and governments seeking to strengthen efforts to prevent human trafficking. It reflects research and best pract
Corporate Domains | TPP WholesaleTPP Wholesale s Corporate Domains service helps manage domain name portfolios for large corporations, IP consultants, and governments.
What Fairtrade does - FairtradeWhat does Fairtrade Do? Fairtrade works with farming co-operatives, businesses and governments to make trade fair.
Climate GroupThe Climate Group is an award-winning, international non-profit specializing in climate energy initiatives with the world’s leading businesses and governments.
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